Sunday, February 6, 2011


Learning A LOT from Kim Klassen...another huge inspiration - love her work & so grateful for her lovely freebies!


Life…as I see it


Kim Klassen said...

how very lovely!! just so pretty!!

thank you for sharing my site and button.... so appreciated...

and for your sweet comment at the Cafe. :) xxo, Kim

Anonymous said...

So pretty and there's that word again!! Joy is all around us, some days we just have to look a little harder but it's still there! Jane

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another thing...I find joy in looking at your photographs that you post! Jane

Kimberly said...

Thanks for stopping by my OneLittleWord post!

I love your photo! The flowers make me excited for spring!

Kala said...

Lovely composition and texture work!

Photography said...

I do love this! And thanks for the links I will check them out. No worries about the pop up box :-) Just something I picked up and know for myself it is much nicer to comment and click it off :o) xx Appreciate your kind words.